Zodiac Hurricane RIB’s is recognized as the best constructed RIBs in the world and is used by military forces and professionals throughout the world.

Zodiac Hurricane
The Zodiac Hurricane
Zodiac Hurricane RIBs are produced in sizes from 6.3 meters to over 11 meters and in a variety of configurations based on the customer's needs and area of use. All boats are built in accordance with the customer's functional requirements and are equipped to provide the best possible platform in the performance of the user's assignment.
Zodiac Hurricane RIBs can be supplied with aluminum or fiberglass hull, outboard or inboard engine (s) - both propeller drive and water jet. All models come with a detachable pontoon for easy maintenance. The pontoons can be delivered both as standard air-filled or with Durarib foam filling, the pontoons are delivered both as standard round and D-shape (which gives more interior space), there is also the possibility of Hybrid solutions where you combine air / foam and round / D-shape.
Zodiac Hurricane produces only to order and normally based on a requirements specification from the customer. Based on this specification, a design and a solution proposal are prepared in close dialogue with the customer. Zodiac Hurricane has a selection of advanced RIB designs to meet the most demanding needs and applications. Zodiac Hurricane RIBs are always built to the highest standards in terms of seaworthiness and driving comfort, this through advanced hull design, deck configuration and choice of equipment. Zodiac Hurricane has extensive experience in working with and understanding the specific requirements and needs of military and professional customers, many of the solutions Zodiac Hurricane offers are unique and have been developed especially in close collaboration with this user group.